
Fabrics, LEDs, Stepper Motors, Electronics 12’ x 12’ x 16’

Playform invites visitors to playfully interact while co-creating dynamic light forms with others. Using elements of repetition, light and motion, the sculpture takes simple materials and expressively activates the environment to create an ephemeral aesthetic experience. Through a shared interaction, the sculpture attempts to blur boundaries between personal and public space, and inspire fun, convivial moments between visitors.

As visitors wander through the artwork they discover that their presence affects the motion of the sculpture: cylinders become taller or shorter, and colors start to morph and animate. The motion of people, fabric and light appears as a dynamic, colorful, organic form. When no one is interacting, the sculpture moves slowly on its own.

Playform consists of multiple cylindrical fabric modules, arranged in a grid, and lit by LEDs and black-light. Each cylinder measures ~35” diameter, and weighs ~30lbs. When in motion, cylinder height ranges from roughly ~5 to 10ft. Each cylinder is suspended by steel rope, and connected to series of large stepper motors and pulleys that control movement. Interaction is detected through capacitance sensors embedded on the floor, causing cylinders to change height and color.

同是共同城市的居住者,你是否覺得時常遇見熟悉卻又陌生的臉孔? 一起等公車,一起在超市排隊,一同看著夜晚燦爛的霓虹燈,一起在乎著這個充滿知性與感性的土地

有人說這是一種寂寞,但是這種恰到好處的孤獨,只要多一個微笑,就可以轉化為安心。 玩形邀請這個城市的每一個人一起遊戲。

玩形 是個巨型的城市遊樂設施。透過路人與作品的互動,創造出有趣的夜晚動態之美 由多個上下伸縮並變色的空間 譜出動態的簡單幾何 是迷宮 是大型看板(人力) 是在繁忙城市中的個人空間防護罩 探索個人與公眾的空間以及隱藏與顯性的自我表現-匿名式的參與創作


作品需要並邀請市民走入作品當中並參與創作。 透過進入每個蚊帳般的紗空間,trigger安裝在裝置中的感應器,進而啟動馬達而將每個空間拉長與變色,已達到放大的效果。與陌生人一同穿梭在這個空間之中,畫出獨特的點陣符號來點亮夜空。








Video Music: Academics by Marshall Smith

Date: Jun, 2018

Author: Mikhail Mansion, Kuan-Ju Wu

Copyright © 2015-2020 Kuan-Ju Wu